Ex-president ready to return with conditions

PANAMA’S former president Ricardo Martinelli is clearly feeling the effects of his nine months imprisonment in a Miami Federal Detention Center.

The man who,  according to his spinmeister, lawyer Eduardo Camacho, is strong and bearing up well under the strain as he fights extradition to Panama, has Tweeted  that he is ready to return  and face trial  According to a La Estrella report,

On Friday, March 9, he said he wanted to return to Panama to “confront the “minotaur” who pursues him politically in a case without evidence…”.

He said: “I have decided that this is like a birth, neither more nor less, that’s why I count the days, hours, minutes and seconds. I don’t see the moment not only to leave this earthly hell (the jail), but to go to my country … “.

Martinelli  in a rambling message spells out details  of  his imprisonment saying  that the food is “horrible and generally expired.”

He complains that the iron and the microwave are damaged and says that the medicines, he receives are generic and do not have the same effect.

The ex-leader, used to being attended  by a team of lackeys complains about his cell routine: “here is someone who does the cleaning, cooking, serve coffee, clean the room and fix the bed.”

He says that he will accept to return to Panama under the principle of exclusivity, according to what the extradition treaty says. In other words, Martinelli seeks only to be prosecuted for the case of illegal wiretapping, for which the Supreme Court requested his extradition.  He faces criminal investigation in six other cases