CHALLENGE: Speedy justice for politicians

The Public Ministry (MP) presented its institutional response to take responsibility for the criminal investigation derived from the 186 audits, carried out by the Office of the Comptroller General pertinent to the use of community boards, as a distribution mechanism for Public funds managed by deputies in the last government. The MP will assign 22 prosecutors to this task that depends, in the first instance, that judge Enrique Paniza

declares this investigation as complex. In turn, in the coming weeks and months, the Supreme Court should prepare to assume the investigative task of those re-elected deputies who may be suspected of mismanagement. It sounds very easy to say all of the above, but the institutions of justice face the greatest challenge in their history.

This can not be underestimated, nor can it be ignored that, in less than two months, we start the electoral period. We remain hopeful that prosecutors, judges and magistrates act with diligence and integrity. The country needs justice and the eradication of impunity of the political class. LA PRENSA,  hoyporhoy Mar.6