OPINION: Deputies embezzling, money laundering

In the history of the Comptroller  General’s Office, there had not been an audit as comprehensive and complete as the one that was delivered to the Public Ministry yesterday. The findings are disgusting. Dozens of community councils lent themselves to launder millions of dollars of our taxes, for the benefit of the reelection of deputies of all political parties. There are presumed crimes such as embezzlement, unjustified enrichment, money laundering

the falsity of documents and others that will require a complex investigation on the part of the prosecutors and magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice. This is a case that cannot go unpunished. The Public Prosecutor’s Office needs economic resources and the updating of criminal and procedural legislation to fulfil its mission. The National Assembly has the key to the funds and of legislative changes. Ladies and gentlemen, show that you have a glimmer of respect for the Fatherland and let that investigation be possible … La Prensa. Hoyporhoy, Feb 28.