National Assembly a rotten organ

FORMER Panama Comptroller José Chen Barría speaking on TVN News, on Wednesday, February 28  that the audits carried out by the Comptroller’s Office of 186 communal boards and municipalities of the country reveal a “Corruption scheme worse than Odebrecht.”

The current comptroller Federico Humbert delivered the audits to the Attorney General in a truck carrying 220 boxes the Public Ministry the audits related to $319 million to community boards and municipalities, of which $247 million were managed by 70 deputies, in the period 2009 to 2014.

“It’s a corruption scheme as big as or worse than Odebrecht. The poorest community councils in the country

Were robbed by   a system of corruption that involves the Assembly, “Chen Barría said.

“The body called the National Assembly of Deputies is a rotten organ,” he concluded.