Polluted cheese video was Fake News

A video posted on social networks alleging problems with Superior brand mozzarella type processed cheese can be labeled “fake news “ following a Ministry of Health (Minsa) statement that it is “fit for consumption.”

According to the ministry, the samples obtained by the Department of Protection of Food (DEPA) are being analyzed by the Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies, however, initial reports indicate that  tests “physical, chemical and organoleptic were carried out and that involves color, smell, texture and heating, correspond to an organic, non-toxic product, and   its consumption does not represent a risk to health.”

“Minsa said, they are carrying out other quality studies on the product. Ministry staff inspected the company where the cheese was made with alleged irregularities, on Wednesday, Jan. 17 following a video denunciation on social networks.

After the complaint, the company Productos Lácteos San Antonio, S.A., issued a statement “Superior processed cheeses are pasteurized, comply with all quality standards required to guarantee their human consumption and do not contain plastics, “the company said