OPINION: No More Free Rapists

With the parsimony and disdain that characterizes the National Assembly when it must consider matters of vital importance, it is evaluating Bill 584, which would increase sanctions against adult perpetrators of child sexual abuse and establish mechanisms to assist victims and punish the perpetrators. Sexual assault against infants, children and teenagers is one of the worst crimes that exists. The victims are scarred for the rest of their lives, as are their families, who must confront in solitude the footprints and consequences of shame or impotence following outrages. Our society hides much of the sexual abuse that is committed. And there is a lack of preventive and therapeutic tools to address the situation and the enormous impunity that is granted by the limited research capacity of the authorities.

. “No more free rapists”, is a slogan that should be listened to and supported by all the deputies. There cannot be silence nor politicking over such a serious and urgent issue … LA PRENSA, Jan .14