Carnival gets new Black Weekend link

In the days leading up to Carnival in February  Panama’s  Tourism Authority (ATP) plans to repeat the Black Weekend formula it used in  September.

The objective is to achieve the arrival of 10,000  people before February 10, when carnival.starts. Gustavo Him, the administrator of the ATP, indicated that last September, with the international promotion of the Black Weekend, 6,000 people arrived, and now the goal is to bring in another 4,000.

The promotion will link  shopping tourism to the attractions of the capital’s Carnival,

It will be pushed in Colombia, Ecuador and countries of Central America and the Caribbean.

“We know that the stores will still have inventory for the holidays, so we’re going to take advantage of that point to attract tourists with discounts on prices, ” said Him.

In preparing for the carnivals, the budget of the ATP to organize the Carnival it is $22 million d, of which $1.5 million dollars will be used to cover the activities in the capital city, and the rest will go in support of  the interior of the country.

Him indicated that they are working on specifications to hire floats and dress of the queen and “Only national artists will be hired from the entertainment budget assigned to the ATP,  but “we are looking for the support of the private sector to bring an international artist, “said Him.