Con-man ends 9-yr US term, 22 more waiting at home

COLOMBIAN David Murcia Guzmán who once cruised the streets of Panama using his collection of six luxury sports cars, purchased from his takings from the DMG pyramid operation, skimming money from credulous Panamanians and expats, will leave a US jail on Saturday, Nov. 11.

Guzman, now 37 years old, will have been behind bars in Moshannon Valley, Pennsylvania, for six years and two days. He was jailed after being convicted of money laundering.

On  Saturday, he  will be transferred to an immigration detention center in the US, waiting for deportation proceedings to Colombia  to be completed

In Colombia, Murcia Guzman has to serve a sentence of 22 years for massive pyramid schemes and money laundering.

Murcia Guzmán was arrested in Panama in November 2008 and sent to Colombia, where he was accused of illegal collection of money.

In January 2010 he was extradited to the US, where he was tried for money laundering Initially, the US attorney’s office wanted a 20-year  sentence, which

was reduced to nine in a plea deal. He got 15% off for good behavior, so ended up serving six.

According to Colombian media, the issue that worries the con artist is his safety when it returns to his country of origin.

“There has always been a concern since there are people who lost a lot of money,” said his lawyer.

Before being sentenced in the US he delivered $7 million in cash and properties that were in the United States, with the intention that the money was repatriated to Colombia to pay something to the victims. But.  according to the lawyer,  it was never possible to confirm that the money, reached Colombia.