Suspect in murder of American girl tourist arrested

A MINOR  believed to be linked to the  February murder of a 24-year old American tourist has been arrested on Isla  Cayo de Agua, in Bocas del Toro.

Catherine Johannet, 24, arrived on Isla Colon Bocas on January 31 and was last seen on February 2 when she left her hotel to go to Isla Bastimentos.  He

Her strangled body was found on February 5 on a wooded path of in Bastimentos.

Her last  Instagram message was an image of the San Blas Islands and a note saying that she had found paradise.

A $50,000 reward was offered for leads to her killer.

The suspect was arrested after several days of intense search by units of the National Border Service (SENAFRONT), the National Police, the National Naval Service, and the Juvenile Police led by the  Emeldo Marquez of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP).

“The search was initiated  “thanks to scientific evidence, testimonies and indications of the location of the said person,” said an MP statement.

The case will now be referred to the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Adolescents reports TVN.