End of apartheid leader visits Panama


FREDERIK De Klerk, the last President of South Africa under the apartheid segregationist regime and Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1992 alongside Nelson Mandela, for his “leadership in the abolition of the system”, is in Panama.

De Klerk and Mandela

De Klerk, who is recognized for releasing Mandela from prison, told a press conference in Panama City about the importance inclusion and education for the development of countries.

The conference was also attended by Ziauddin Yousafzai, a Pakistani educator and activist, the father of Malala, the young Nobel Peace Prize winner, who said that it is a responsibility of government to provide quality education.

They were invited to Panama by Banesco on its tenth anniversary. On Thursday evening they gave a talk in  Atlapa and on Friday will be talking with authorities of the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA), teachers and students