Canada trials for men linked to ex-La Joya inmate.

TRIAL DATES  have been set in Montreal, Quebec, for alleged co-conspirators of a Canadian doctor who died of cancer in Panama after two years in La Joya prison fighting extradition to face charges in a $22 million bribery scandal.

The Crown alleges top executives from SNC-Lavalin paid a $22.5-million bribe to McGill University senior administrators to secure the $1.3-billion contract to build the  Glenn super hospital.

Porter in La Joya 2014

Arthur Porter, the former CEO of the  McGill University Hospital Complex (MUHC) was also facing charges in the case before his death from lung cancer in 2015.

Porter ,a Cambridge educated cancer specialist, died in Santo Tomas Hospital after two years in La Joya, treating himself with experimental drugs, and writing a book. He was the former chairman of Canada’s intelligence oversight committee.Charges against,  him were officially dropped two years after his death

Porter’s wife, Pamela Porter who was arrested with her husband in Panama, pleaded guilty in late 2014 to two counts of laundering the proceeds of crime and was sentenced to 33 months for her role in the alleged bribery scandal. Two former Lavalin executives Yohann Elbaz and Stéphane Roy are having separate trials.

Yanai Elbaz, Pierre Duhaime and Riadh Ben Aissa are being tried together, while Yohann Elbaz and Stéphane Roy will each have separate trials.

Elbaz’s trial is set to run from October 2018 to December 2018, while Roy’s trial is set to run from October 2018 to January 2019.

The trial for Duhaime, Ben Aissa and Yanai Elbaz is set for January 2019 and is expected to last eight months. SNC-Lavalin was once active in Panama,