OPINION: Top Judge re-election affront to country

THE TASKS of the Supreme Court of Justice are multiple and very complex, requiring the maximum dedication of its members. The judicial delays enacted by both the full court and each of the four divisions is an insult to the rule of law and the Panamanian people. Farm lots offered as bail bonds is only a symptom of the absence of controls, indifference and perhaps even corruption that exists within the courts and offices of the Judicial Branch. If the Judicial Career Law was implemented, the proceedings of all judges would be monitored by a disciplinary court. There is currently no willingness to put it into effect and the lack of budget is used as an easy excuse for its not functioning These reasons should be enough to understand that the current Supreme Court has lost its surname and that its president does not deserve the position or that of a magistrate. How to forget his behaviour as attorney general in the times of his benefactor? All this is publicly known, and what don’t we know? Re-election is absurd and another affront to the country… La Prensa, Panama.Sep. 27.