Israeli extortion suspects behind bars

FOUR ISRAELIS arrested in the MultiCentro  Mall this week after an alleged extortion attempt  against an Israeli living in Panama are in provisional detention.

They are facing charges of aggravated robbery, extortion, illicit association,  and attempted arson

Judge of guarantees Kenia Marin authorized  the detention and charges

Organized Crime, Prosecutor Jairo Samaniego, presented a series of indications “that were enough” for the judge to decide to detain the suspects for six months.

Judge Marín said that the minimum combined penalty is 24 years.

The facts presented date fromAugust when the victim was told to pay a “large sum of money” in exchange for not harming him, his family or his business.

Afterwards, the victim was the object of a robbery of a  garment valuable, “economically and sentimentally”.

When the victim refused to pay the money, the business suffered two attacks in which the defendants allegedly tried to set fire to the premises, said the Public Ministry.

The National Police captured the four men in the mall and they were carrying large knives. as well as a collar that was previously removed from the victim.

Prosecutor Samaniego, said that he is investigating whether other people are involved.