OPINION: Panama’s last hope for justice

La Prensa, August 2

The Public Prosecutor’s Office has managed to overcome a major obstacle to completing investigations into the Odebrecht case.  Never . In our democratic history, have we had so many prosecutors battling high profile corruption cases. head-on In spite of the large budgetary constraints and  The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic,  unable to provide essential audits f or these processes, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has gone ahead and, at the same time, confronted judges and courts indifferent to the popular clamor for justice. Now we begin to realize the actions that will define the criminal cases against politicians, officials and businessmen who plundered the country. Now, Panamanian prosecutors in Brazil will have the possibility to finally clarify the puzzle of the Megaprojects, with their macro -frauds that caused so much indignation and humiliation to Panama. This is the hour of truth and the acts that history will remember. We Panamanians must give a vote of trust to the Public Ministry because it is our last hope for a better Panama.