Harry Potter author issues Trump apology

Acclaimed British author J.K. Rowling apologized “unreservedly”  to US President Donald Trump”- not known for his apologies over Twitter insults  –  for a criticism she made on Twitter accusing him of having “ignored” the greeting of a disabled child.

The billionaire author of the successful saga of the young wizard Harry Potter described as “horrible” the US president,  when she saw a video from which she got  the impression that Trump refused to shake the hand of a child who was in a wheelchair in the White House.

However, Rowling corrected her opinion after reading a clarifying message from the minor’s mother, Marjorie Kelly Weer, posted on Facebook, which corrected the writer’s impression.

In that message, Weer stated, “If anyone, please, can send a message to J.K. Rowling: Trump did not despise my son and Monty was not even trying to shake his hand.”

When reading that clarification, the writer “apologized unreservedly” in a series of tweets in which she noted that “multiple sources” had informed her that her interpretation of that image was not “a complete or exact representation of their interaction.”

“Clearly I have projected in these images my own sensibilities on the issue of disabled people being ignored or overlooked  and if this has caused any anguish to that child or his family, I apologize without reservations,” said the writer.