Wave warning heightened after surfer dies

HOURS after the body of a surfer was recovered in Panama West on Saturday, July 29, Panama’s National Civil Protection System (SINAPROC) extended the waves alert which it had issued July 26.

“Despite our recommendations, a surfer was found lifeless today at 9:00 a.m. on Playa Punta Barco,” said Sinaproc director José Donderis.
The warning is now in place until August 2. Originally it was from July 26 to 30.
There will be waves two meters high with 9 second intervals in the Gulf of Panama, the Bay of Panama and the coasts of Darien, Cocle, Herrera, Panama and West Panama.
In Los Santos, the Gulf of Chiriquí and the south of Veraguas, the waves will be between two and three meters
“We call on all Panamanians and foreigners on the Pacific beaches to follow our recommendations said Donderis on Twitter.
Sinaproc recommends keeping an eye on the notices issued by the authorities and “Pay special attention” to sudden sea level rise and the presence of high and frequent waves.