Over 1,000 dengue cases confirmed at D-Day launch

PANAMA’S “D Day” was launched by the Ministry of Health (Minsa) on Sunday, June 25 with the announcement of 1,036 confirmed cases of dengue throughout the country.

Of that figure, 26.9% were detected in women and 23.64% in men, with no deaths recorded

ere are  an additional   1,435, suspected cases, there are 1,435, of these, 91 with ‘alarming’ signs and three are serious.

The “D-Day” campaign, focuses on p measures to prevent the proliferation of the mosquito Aedes aegypti, responsible for viruses such as dengue, zika and chikungunya.

Deputy Minister of Health, Eric Ulloa, said that the fight against the mosquito is not only the task  of the Minsa, but of all institutions and individuals, in doing the work of reviewing yards and houses to achieve the elimination of breeding grounds.

Last year, the Minsa reported 3,327 confirmed cases of dengue throughout the country, of which 244 showed  alarm signs  14 were severe and 11 deaths were recorded.