Supreme Court Judges flouting constitution

JUDGES in Panama’s Supreme Court Magistrates Court have ignored the constitution by failing to act on at least eight habeas corpus petitions and two other motions presented by the targets of corruption investigations related to the Odebrecht bribery scandal.
In failing to make a decision on the petitions, the court has ignored Article 23 of the Constitution, which establishes
that habeas corpus appeals be processed “with priority to other pending cases…without the procedure being
suspended due to nonworking days,” reports La Prensa
The judicial code also mandates that the petitions be handled as quickly as possible. According to the Judicial Branch, four of the habeas corpus petitions were filed on Jan. 25, two days after the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office filed charges in the case.
The delays in the case were criticized by Attorney General Kenia Porcell at a press conference earlier in the week when pointed out that the work of anti-corruption prosecutors was hampered by the tardiness of the court and banks slow to deliver requested information. At least 36 high profile citizens are implicated in the bribery and money laundering investigations.

Among Judges failing to deliver are the Court’s president, Jose Prado, a frequent target of criticism over the frequency of absence while on his tax-payer funded overseas jaunts, Luis Fabrega, Jeronimo Mejia, and Angela Russo. The decisions awaiting resolution include two involving the sons of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli.