Tobacco sale and smoking banned from Azuero Fair

THE SALE or promotion of tobacco products (cigarettes and their derivatives), electronic cigarettes and hookahs will be banned at  the International Fair of Azuero (FIA), which opens this Friday, April 20.

Smoking will be also  banned in  sections of the fair grounds ny orders of the fair’s trustees.

The move comes after an agreement signed with the regional office of Los Santos of the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

Under the slogan  “For your health and that of your family, put out your cigarette”, the agreement is signed by the  Los Santos Regional  Director ofHealth, Dr. Germán Solís, and the president of the fifty-fifth fair, Adriano Solís.

Officials in the relevant departments are committed to training employees and visitors to the event to be aware of law 13 of January 24, 2008, which imposes measures for the control of tobacco and its harmful effects on health.

Enforcement will be  in the hands of local police.