OPINION: The nuclear threat revisited

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa, Apr. 16

LIKE TWO WILD beasts fighting over territory, North Korea and the United States demonstrate  their power and show their  warlike fangs.

Nearly 55 years have passed since the Cuban crisis when the world last faced, a nuclear threat.

Then, as now, the fanatics and dogmatists had to be set aside for diplomacy to save the planet, but

Donald Trump is not John F. Kennedy.

In all this international drama, there is a country that has benefited through  its silence and complicity with the dynasty of tyrants that has ruled North Korea. That nation is China.

Its government, as has been recognized, has the moral and political responsibility to discourage the sinister behavior of its ally, who must understand that we all lose if there is an arms race What a shame that at this point in human civilization, when we have already seen the destructive scope of nuclear weapons, the world still faces the atomic bomb. As in the past, dialogue remains the best solution.