Attorney General in European meetings marathon

PANAMA’S Attorney General, Kenia Porcell is holding talks meetings this week with judicial authorities in Switzerland and Andorra to discuss the Odebrecht case and how offshore companies formed by law firm Mossack Fonseca were allegedly used for irregular practices.

She is meeting  in Bern with the Swiss Attorney Michael Lauber, and  in Andorra with Attorney General Alfons Alberca Sanvicens.

She will also have appointments with authorities of European countries belonging to the Judicial

Cooperation Unit of the European Union (Eurojust) and

will hold bilateral meetings with her counterparts from Italy, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium, Poland, the Czech Republic, Greece, Bulgaria and Germany.

The AG Office also indicates that these authorities “expressed their desire to cooperate with the competent authorities of Panama in the investigations of cases opened in their respectiva nations,”