OPINION: Rulers without plans

Hoyporhoy La Prensa, Mar. 18

IN PANAMA  politicians are accustomed to improvising. Planning, for the most part does not go beyond the five years of the government on duty.

If the Canal was handled the same way as the politicos administer public affairs we would have had a failed project a long time ago.

State policies are almost non-existent: planning the city and its growth; the roads; the professionals that the country needs; the growth and improvement of services, are not given the time it takes to be developed properly.

Mpreover there are government plans that, in many cases do not respond to a legitimate need, but to benefit economically unhealthy personal agendas.

Governments do not own our future, they only manage the state enterprise.

It is we, the citizens, who should establish our priorities and the politicians, execute them. And because we are the ones who put up the money we are in our full right to demand accountability, and politicians  are forced to answer.