Ex-PAN boss ready to talk in plea bargain

THE FORMER director of the National Assistance Program (PAN), Rafael Guardia Jaén,  facing numerous corruption charges is ready to talk in exchange for a reduced sentence

He has been detained at El Renacer Prison since November 2014 and  is seeking a plea agreement.

His defense lawyer Victor Orobio has submitted a letter of intent to Attorney General Kenia Porcell in which he would accept a reduced sentence in exchange for information.

Guardia Jaén was recently released from prison based on decisions by the Fifth and Fifteenth  dcriminal courts, but he has been prohibited from leaving the country. The decisions, which are  being appealed by prosecutors, are due to his poor health.

The PAN program has been the subject of a number of allegations related to corruption during the administration of former President Ricardo Martinelli, who appointed Guardia Jaén

Obarrio with Martinelli and his wife Marta Martinelli

Martinelli messenger
Guardia Jaen  and another former director Giacomo Tamburelli  have accused Martinelli of issuing instructions for purchases now under investigations, through  his  private secretary  Adolfo “Chichi” De Obarrio, who had a notoriously grand and expensive wedding costing scores of thousands of dollars  although he was receiving only $5,000 a month salary before tax. An  Internet Red Alert is in place for Obarrio who fled the country on Christmas Day, 2014.