Panama looking at end of plastic bags
NON-DEGRADABLE plastic bags in Panama supermarkets and warehouses could be part of history in Panama by next year if a bill proposed by a deputy of the ruling Panamenista party becomes law
Bill 136, which prohibits the use of non-degradable wrappings or packaging is being advanced
By Florentino Abrego, to reduce the environmental impact generated by the production, distribution, use and accumulation of non-degradable plastic material at a national level with repercussions around the world on soils and seas.
“What is sought is to prohibit the use of non-biodegradable bags provided free of charge in commercial establishments After their short term use no isresponsible their collection, treatment, reuse and final disposition,” said Abrego
According to studies, a degradable plastic bag takes two years to disintegrate, the
Biodegradable take 120 days to decompose and regular bags take 300 years
The preliminary draft obliges and sets a deadline for operators to replace the
plastic packaging, which will be 12 months from the enactment of the law in
supermarkets, pharmacies and retailers, and 24 months after the enactment of the law in
Warehouses, wholesalers and the like.
Those who violate the norm will be sanctioned with fines of between $100 dollars and $1,000 thousand along with the seizure of non-biodegradable transport bags, says the initiative.
The proposal says that money from fines will go to an environmental and recycling training fund.