MF Brazil boss in preventive detention

MARÍA MERCEDES RIAÑO, the former  boss of the Mossack Fonseca (MF) law office in Brazil, traveled from her police cell on Tuesday March 14 to continue answering questions to the Second Organized Crime prosecutor about the company’s operations in the South American country.

Riaño was committed to preventive detention on Monday. She had gone underground in Panama after her return from Brazil following police raids n the MF office there.

Ramon Mendoza, Riaño’s lawyer, said that his

client was sent to the headquarters of the

Department of Judicial Investigation.

Several Mossack Fonseca lawyers, including the firm’s founding  partners, have been charged with money laundering for allegedly using companies within the firm and accounts at FPB Bank to hide the movement of money between Brazil and Panama.

Mercedes Riaño is also the subject of a criminal investigation in Brazil, linked to the Lava Jato corruption scandal.