Bang Bang You’re Dead, a timely drama

By Dra. Lourdes Quijada

THE GRACEFUL old lady  of English speaking theater  in Panama the  Theatre Guild of Ancon (TGA) remains forever young with  her recognition that variety is the spice of life, and continues to  provide a selection of productions ranging from music and humor to psychological dramas, and sometimes even with topicality.

So whatever your taste, at some time during the year you will find satisfaction in productions  by a talented team of directors, producers; actors, and all those behind the scene volunteers needed to give amateur theatricals a professional  shine.

The next up is “Bang You’re Dead” which appeared in 2002 as an American drama film based on the play by William Mastrosimone.

Panama’s  stage version comes at a time when  media, gun control and violence are in sharp focus and “sometimes nightmares come true”.

 The play  will provide food for thought, discussion, and reflection

The plot  deals with  the death of five students whose ghosts  ask a survivor a  young man disturbed by his own demons: “Why me, Josh?”

The psychological drama enters the darkest corners of a teenage mind, haunted  by five young teens taken away from their dreams, aspirations and possessions.

Frustrated and angry, the “ghosts” will not rest until they get the answers they need and they use all the tools they have at hand to torture Josh and solve the mystery: Why have they been killed?

This show is PG-13: Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Parents are urged to be cautious says the TGA

8:00 P.M.  Feb. 8 – 11, 15 – 18

Special Matinee @ 4:00 P.M. Feb. 18

Directed and adapted by: Levys Mon Calderon

Assistant Director: Daniela Noriega

Produced by: Andres Diaz, Levys Mon Calderon and Gabriela Mornhinweg

Assistant Producer: Dayana Moreno and Daniela Noriega

Stage Manager: Kelly Walsh

Cast: Juan Pablo Delgado, Fiona O’reilly, Nick Molina, Ana Raquel Calzada, Joshua Samuels, Raquel De La Guardia,  and Anya Sirker