Money laundering charge for Odebrecht Panama boss

Odebrecht Panama boss faces money laundering charge

ANDRÉ LUIZ RABELLO, director of the Odebrecht subsidiary in Panama, and other Brazilian executives linked to the payment of bribes in Panama through Swiss banks have been charged with money laundering  by Special Anti­Corruption Prosecutor Tania Sterling.

The list includes Paulo Roberto Costa, a former director of Brazilian gas company Petrobras, who confessed that he received $31.5 million from Odebrecht.

Sterling has also called Olivio Rodrigues Jr.,director of Graco Corretora de Cambio, a company that received money from Odebrecht, and Leonardo Meirelles and Alberto Youssef, who received illegal remittances from abroad.

Rodrigues was the final beneficiary of a Constructora Internacional del Sur bank account at Multicredit Bank in Panama.

Through this account, international transfers were made to Peru,Hong Kong, Shanghai, Andorra and the Cayman Islands, among other places.

Charges were also filed against José Barusco Filho and Renato Duque Sousa, ex­directors of Petrobras.

Sterling has also charged Miguel Sánchiz López and Enrique Montaño.

These new defendants are part of the list of 17 people that the Public Prosecutor’s Office charged in the case surrounding the bribes paid by Odebrecht.

In the list are Luis Enrique and Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Linares, sons of  former president Ricardo Martinelli , who have not yet appeared before the prosecutor.

So far, Mario Martinelli Berrocal, the ex-­president’s brother, has been questioned, as well as former Minister of Public Works Federico “Pepe” Suárez, former Social Security Director Guillermo Sáez­Llorens and former head of the Financial Analysis Unit (UAF), Amado Barahona.