Police on hand in battle for $8 hams

POLICE  were needed to restore order among people who had lined up from 2 am on Wednesday Dec.14,  for the sale of $8 hams and other products at the Institute of Agricultural Marketing (IMA) Christmas fairs which began at 9 a.m.

At Pan de Azúcar, San Miguelito, people who had waited through the night  began pushing and screaming to be among the first to acquire a ham.

The crowd was so unruly that police officers had to maintain order.

An all night wait

The scene was repeated at other fairs in places such as Neuvo Tocumen says a La Prensa report.

The $8 rewards

Another aspect that caused disagreement was that tickets distributed by Deputy Katleen Levy at the Nuevo Tocumen fair for the sale of hams and rice were sold out. According to the deputy, the tickets were distributedc to maintain order at the fair and to support the staff of the IMA.

Other sites of the fair were  La Chorrera and Chilibre.

Starting Saturday, all fairs will also sell the traditional rosta de Pan (circular seasonal bread) for $1.