Twitter threat to corruption investigator

AN ANTI-CORRUPTION prosecutor and her family Monday have been threatened on social media.

The threat to First Anti­Corruption Prosecutor Tania Sterling, came via a Twitter message to her brother television communicator and actor Roland Sterling.

Sterling said the message ­ which was later erased ­ stated: “Someday your family will cry for the wickedness your sister sows in using prosecution for revenge.”

The author of the tweet is a user who identifies himself as raulmallorca00.

Rolando Sterling responded to the user and copied the message to the National Police and the Attorney General’s Office.

The prosecutor is investigating a number of cases related to the former administration and to ex-president Ricardo Martinelli and members of his inner circle including irregularities in the National Assistance Program (PAN) and, more recently,irregularities in a loan granted by Caja de Ahorros to the consortium constructing the unfinished Amador Convention Center