Sex with a minor means jail time

SEX  WITH A MINOR, even in a permanent relationship can put the adult behind bars for two-four years.

This is one of the amendments promulgated by Law 60 of November 30, 2016, which amends Law 29 of 2002 covering child pregnancies and other provisions.

Article 13 amends article 176 of the Criminal Code, which removes the exception that left unpunished  sexual intercourse with a minor when there was a permanent relationship that The age difference does not exceed five years’.

This prohibits any sexual relationship between an adult and a minor.

In addition the law states that if a relationship with a minor involves  pregnancy,  the penalty will be increased from a third to half of the maximum.

The lawyer of family Lester Almengor says the modification is excessive in the sense that if an adult (who just turned 18 years) maintains a relation with a minor of 17, he  will go to the jail because the law says so.

“I understand that the authorities are looking to protect the child, but such an extreme situation will ruin the young man’s future,” he claims.

He said that the authorities should pay more attention in education and promote values so that children understand the consequences of their actions and not just repress the adult.

The new law states that Senniaf, INAMU, Meduca, Minsa, CSS and Mides should promote programs that encourage adolescents to postpone the onset of sexual intercourse until they reach physical, emotional and mental maturity.

No follow up
Teresita Yaniz de Arias, proponent of law 29 of 2002, said that it is useless to make modifications to a rule if it is not ensured by the fulfillment of the existing one.

He said that of the 10,976 pregnant minors, reported in 2015, how many were pregnant by an adult has not been reported .

“The authorities are obliged to follow up on these cases and condemn those responsible but do not do it,” she said.