Firefighters challenged by grassland arsonists

Panama Fire Fighters  (CBP) dealt with 460 fires throughout the country, from January 1 to November 14.

Jaime Villar, director of the entity, said that the figure has dropped due to the effectiveness of prevention campaigns .

However, Villar said  that grasslands and vegetation fires  and burning vehicles  still account for a large number of reports for the CBP.

Up to November 14,  countrywide there were  6,000 fires in vegetable masses and 448 burning cars.

in the province of Panama there have been 1,155 cases of grasslands  fires and 198  burning vehicles.

Vegetable mass, with 985 and 962 cases, respectively.

“Studies in the world show that cases of vegetable mass do not originate on their own … we are sure that there is criminal hand at work , “said Villar.

There are people who “enjoy” setting  fires which generates enormous expenses to the entity.