Rescue units called to rain ravaged Chiriqui

TECHNICAL RESCUE   units  of  the Civil Protection System,Sinaproc, have been called in to Chiriqui province.

The  system’s director general José Donderis, reported that at least 35 families have been affected by heavy rains that have fallen  on the province in the last three days.

These families reside in Pedregalito, Alanje and Barú, places where the delivery of humanitarian aid is underway.

Rescue personnel continue to monitor the Chico and San Bartolo rivers, which have overflowed.

Schools have closed in  Baru, where fallen trees are reported  and rivers are overflowing.

Regional  Sinaproc director Francisco Santamaría, said that there are four affected homes in the community of Orillas del Río in Alanje.

In Brisas Bananeras in Barú drainage channels are full, while the community of Nuevo Acueducto is incommunicado.

In Rabo de Puerco, Barú, the evaluations are y being carried out pn  eight  damged houses.

T he Ministry of Public Works is working  to address alandslide on the road to Limones, Baru. The road to Nuevo Mexico is also closed.