Local Odebrecht boss joins “singers” in corruption probe

ANDRÉ RABELLO, who heads  the Panama subsidiary of the scandal ridden   Odebrecht construction company  , is on the  list of executives  trying to reduce potential jail terms who are “singing” to Brazilian corruption prosecutors in the Lava Jato investigation.

Money laundering and bribery links have been traced to Panama. Which has awarded over $9 billion in contracts to Odebrecht including construction of Metro line 2, and the company is on the bid list for the $1 billion  fourth canal budge project.
Varela remains silent
Pressed for a statement   during a November 16  photo-op  tour in  Coclé  where he went to deliver start  orders on several public projects, President Juan Carlos Varela said that from his first day in office his focus had been on protecting and creating jobs. “Judicial issues are handled by the Public Ministry, and it will be up to the Public Ministry to give its opinion.”