Blind craftsmen at Carols By Candlelight celebration

By  Margot Thomas

VISITORS to the sixth annual Carols by Candlelight concert on the Cinta Costera will get triple benefits this year.

They will not only enjoy talented performances and  the chance to join the choirs  in the singing of favorite seasonal songs, but also the opportunity to do some early Christmas shopping and directly benefit members of Panama’s blind community

Vision of Hope (VoH) is one of the beneficiaries of the annual event organized by the CanadaPLUS Foundation.

The nonprofit group trains blind and disabled Panamanians to make elegant jewelry, and become income earning members of the community.

You will see some of them at work at the concert on Saturday December 3 at the Mira Del Pacifico amphitheatre at the Fish Market end of the Cinta Costera.

The event starts at 6.30 pm.

The concert is free if you want to sit on the perimeter of the amphitheatre.

More comfortable seating nearer the stage, is available for a $25 (VIP) or $20 donation. Your reservation includes a souvenir LED candle carrying your seat number.

If you don’t want  a reserved seat, you can obtain souvenir candles at $10, and help both Vision of Hope and Hospital Santo Thomas.

All orders received before November 24 will be delivered to your home or office.

To reserve  call 6619-6890, or email carolspanama@gmail .com