Afrodisiaco planning European tour
By Margot Thomas
AFRODISIACO, winner of the prestigious Vina del Mar Silver Seagull in Chile, has been awarded the key to Panama by the municipal council.
Since gaining first place at the international festival, he group have been spreadingtheir wings with performances in Mexico and New York and is currently recording their first CD and preparing for a 2017 European tour.
Their latest composition Ese Moreno. “is a inspired by a traditional Azuero melody with its own regional drum beat blending with a strong urban influence, electric guitars, pop rhythm and a powerful rap that addressing the slaves’struggle for freedom Other influences include jazz explain lead singers Miroslava Herrera and Tatian Rios,
“(The piece is) the lament of the man who in his physical condition of a slave, has the ability to fly with his soul and mind to a place where he is completely free. The woman who loves him, is left crying, not knowing where her lover has gone. In producing the song the group had the collaboration of the Ecuadorian rapper Francisco Ruiz, who also participated in the Vina del Mar Festival, with US representation.
Charity event
Singer-songwriter Miroslava will be performing and acting as MC at the upcoming Carols by Candlelight charity concert on the Cinta Costera on December 3.
The concert is free, but reserved seats, including a souvenir LED candle are available from or 6619-6890. The candles carrying your seat number, will be delivered to your home or office.