OFF THE CUFF: When the phones internet and ATMs go silent

OFF THE CUFF: When the phones internet and ATM’s go silent

IF YOU WERE  one of the scores of thousands  of Cable Onda customers who couldn’t access their compuer and/or telephone through much of Saturday afternoon and evening, October 22,  you have our sympathy.

Newsroom too was cut off, and four hours of calling by cell phone failed to produce a response.

It also meant an extended work day playing catchup on posting news items.

The outage came a day after a visit to a business in Marbella where the manager had been unable to use the landline phone or  internet throughout Friday morning.

Cable Onda issued a statement on Sunday that there were  electrical problems  in the  central transmission center  which caused a temporary loss of  cable services  and internet in some sectors of the country ,which were not specified.

Meanwhile bemused customers took to social networks to express their frustrations.

The  management of corporate communications Telered reported that some ATMs were out of service because there were problems with communications lines.

Customers  can take comfort in the fact that the outage was nowhere near as serious as that caused by recent  hacking in the US, denying millions access to the Donald Trump lifeline, Twitter, and to CNN one of the media outlets targeted in his latest tirades and even to Netflix the escape route from election coverage.