OPINION: The sickly smell of cover-up

Hoyporhoy La Prensa, August  18

THE BRASH Ricardo Martinelli government awarded lucrative contracts to the company Pele System, Inc. Currently the company is under investigation for possible overruns, which according to the same research, translate into the alleged payment of bribes to friends of those who held power in the previous government.

It is worrying that the authorities, both past and present, are unable to pinpoint who the real owner of this company, which covered in a battered corporate veil and with board and figurehead  changes.

Who is hiding behind this company? Who are all those who have received direct benefits from these contracts? It is imperative for transparency that citizens receive an explanation.

It is the duty of the Public Ministry to publicize, once and for all, the names of those who hide behind this society. Otherwise it leads us to the conclusion that definitely something smells bad … and that someone is being protected.