OFF THE CUFF Veggie supply and price problems

OFF THE CUFF Veggie supply and price problems

WHILE HOTELS and restaurants are bemoaning the shortage of oinions consumers of other basic vegetables are complaining of the rocketing prices since a year ago.

Restaurateur’s point out that if they have no onions and are forced to cut service there is a a chain effect that hits the revenues of suppliers of eggs, milk, meat or soda   and other products and employees.

Yori Morales, president of the Association of Traders Food Central Agricultural Market (MAC), said  that the onion has great role in the development of dishes in  hotels, restaurants and fast food franchises.

“The onion is so important for the preparation of hamburgers, and food  with international character as when a  European hotel guest asks for  a steak with onions or a cebiche” said Morales.

Armando Rodriguez, president of the small hotels in Panama, said the shortage affects the service in the hotel restauarants  and therefore the visitor experience.

Morales said that the country consumes 45,000 bags of onions a month, so to supply the entire country requires at least 30 containers of onions.

This requires a logistics post-loading evaluations carried out by the Food Protection Authority (AUPSA) distribution.

Therefore, a rapid assessment is needed to supply the country said Morales.

Between Friday and Saturday, AUPSA released about 5,000 bags.

Meanwhile the price of onions has rocketed  along with 100% increases in the  wholesale price of celery and carrots, which means an even bigger increase for consumers in supermarkets.

When President Juan Carlos Varela returns from his European jaunt he will be faced with problems in Santo Tomas Hospital and with consumers wondering about his promise to keep the lid on the price of basic foods.