OFF THE CUFF Panama Papers Hollywood bound

OFF THE CUFF: Panama Papers Hollywood bound
THE SCANDAL surrounding the global investigation revealingthe alleged irregular use of offshore companies established by Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca is heading to Hollywood.
It will introduce Panama to a wider audience than that reached by the $20 million tourism advertising campaign, and put a dent in the hopes of the financial community and the government that the spotlight was moving away from some of the country’s murkier waters.
Netflix reported that it has acquired the rights to a book written by two German journalists to make a film produced by American John Wells, says a Reuters report.
It will introduce Panama to a wider audience than that reached by the $20 million tourism advertising campaign.
How long before speculation begins on who will play the roles of Mossack and Fonseca, and in how many countries will filming take place.