FBI aiding in fight againstPanama child pornography

FBI aiding in fight against Panama child pornography

CHILD PORNOGRAPHY in Panama is on a major upswing  with 1,100investigations  by the Public Ministry  during 2015  only in the capital city.

In 2014, There were 405 cases

“The Attorney General’s Office increased from two to five, prosecutors involved in investigating sexual crimes. They have also been trained by the FBI which  has provided new computer programs that allow tracking child pornography in the country” said First Circuit Sex Crimes Specialist Prosecutor Katya Melendez reports La Prensa.

The prosecutor  said that in Panama are recorded with higher numbers of “grooming” situations are being recorded. That is when the sex offender creates a false profile through a social network to communicate with children and adolescents.

Then they develop a relationship through the internet and convinces the child to send him pictures or videos where the is naked or performing sexual acts.

The attacker uses that pornographic material to extort and demand personal encounters. If  the child does not accept  the adult often discloses photographs and videos of childrenon social networks.

Melendez said  that the  practice of spreading pornographic material with minors, advertising, selling  or manufacture it, is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

It is a crime to transmit child pornography on Twitter  or Whatsapp.