Panamas own soccer scandal

AS PANAMA begins to recover from its own FIFA related soccer scandals, it has come up with it own home brewed skullduggery, with alleged theft from the public purse.
The Third Anti-Corruption Prosector Zuleika Moore moved Thursday, July 14 to conduct a new inspection in Arraijan as part of the investigation into Mayor Pedro Sánchez Moro for alleged crimes against public administration.
The inspection took place one day after an audit of the Comptroller General was released corroborating the existence of players and managers of the soccer team Santa Gema FC on the payroll of the municipality.
The inspection was conducted to locate the electronic system used to record the attendance of the staff, said Moore.
Municipal Human Resources Director Omar Rubianchi reported in June, the alleged anomalies in payroll records.
According to Moore, the inspection “accomplished what it set out to do,” but said that no criminal charges have yet been filed, saying to do so at this time would be “getting ahead of the facts.”
Surprisingly, La Prensa reports that the mayor could not be reached for comment.