2nd bid attempt for $95 million university center

THE BIDDING  for  a new$95 million  regional center for The University of Panama (UP) went ahead on Wednesday, July 13 although its future is uncertain.

Four consortiums participated  in the process for the study, design and construction of a regional center in San Miguelito.

It was the second time that the project was put out to bid. The first attempt  was nullified by the Directorate for Public Procurement after anomalies were found  in the specifications.

Outgoing Rector Gustavo García de Paredes said that the work is necessary since the students from San Miguelito do not fit into the current facilities in that area.

But incoming Rector Eduardo Flores has expressed doubts about the project.

“The university requires some new facilities and other need to be  modernized others. I do not know if this project responds to these needs,” he said.

The money for the project will come from the controversial sale of university property near Tocumen International Airport.

Meanwhile a move has been made by law professor Antonio Bernal,  to try to stop the curent rector from leaving the country after the National Comptroller forwarded UP  audit results to the  Public Ministry.

García de Paredes has been at the center of a storm over a university Foundation he set up and ruled during his 19 years in office.