Judges react to presidents call

THE MESSAGE sent to the Supreme Court and officials of the judiciary by President Juan Carlos Varela  in his state of the nation  address last week has been received with “responsibility and concern.”

Varela made the statement At the opening ceremony of the 23rd Interpol Regional Conference of the Americas on Wednesday, July 6.

Varela said that the Supreme Court judges had met to discuss his concerns and that measures will be taken.

Varela’s concerns  were voiced  after questions were raised about a decision made by the seventh circuit criminal court to release Dangelo Dayan Ramirez Ramea, who had been accused of money laundering.

This followed a recent decision by the fourth criminal court to release 25 people being investigated on suspicion of having links to drug traffickers.

Varela, in his report to the nation, asked judges “not to tarnish the image of the system of judicial administration by releasing dangerous criminals who threaten the country’s image and even threaten our own lives.”

He said that if the country’s judicial system does not cooperate with the police and prosecutors in fighting against crime then “things don’t work well.”

He reiterated that the Constitution calls for the coordination of the three organs of the state.