Fireworks banned for a week

THE USE OF FIREWORKS   in  Panama has been banned for a week by the Ministry of Public Security says a notice published in the Official Gazette on  Wednesday June 22.

It was signed by Luis Zegarro, head of the Institutional Affairs direction of Public Safety this ministry.

“For reasons of national security the transport of explosive material pyrotechnical and its accessories within the national territory is prohibited from Wednesday  June22 to Wednesday June 28. Temporarily suspended during the period are  activities related to the transfer, marketing, manufacture and use of fireworks and explosive. materials “says the document.

The measure is mandatory for all people except the Panama Canal Authority and the companies hired by  the institution for the opening of the third set of locks.

The order of the ministry does not specify penalties for those who breach this decree or specify the reasons for extending the measure for a week reports La Prensa.