Tocumen Airport revenues up

REVENUES at Tocumen International Airport climbed almost 20% in the first five months of the year in spite of falling revenues from the troubled Wisa Group.
Revenues of $87.8 million were generated by t between January 1 and May 31, an increase of 19.6 percent compared to the same period last year
The increase is due mainly to a $10 increase in the departure tax, which went from $40 to $50 in January. It also started receiving new revenues from concessions.
The increase means that the airport is likely to exceed its revenue projection of $210 million for 2016 reports La Prensa.
Of the total revenues, 5$4.7 million were obtained from the airport’s operations (movement of aircraft); $32.3 million were commercial revenue and $729,000 was from other services offered by the airport.
The increase comes despite a decline in payments from the Wisa Group, which operates duty free stores at the airport. Those stores have been placed on the Clinton List and cannot accept credit cards. Airport officials still have to make a decision about the contracts it has with that company.
Daily, there are 350 takeoffs and landings from the airport, serving 37,000 travelers.