OPINION: Judges the Achilles heel in crime fight

Hoyporhoy La Prensa June 9

WHAT IS HAPPENING with the judges in Panama? The unexpected acquittal of a highly dangerous alleged ringleader of a criminal gang and baffling unfreezing of  bank accounts and other assets of one of those involved in a  mega scandal in  the  last government are demanding decisive action by the judicial institutions.

Where are the judicial audits that were promised in previous scandals? The lower courts are the Achilles heel of the fight against corruption and the fight against organized crime.

The Supreme Court has the last word and the first obligation is to put its own house in order. The accusatory penal system is going to give more power to judges and the judiciary will grant them greater autonomy.

Now more than ever, the action of these officials can convert them into heroes or villains. Those who act on behalf of the Republic administering justice should know that society is watching them closely and expects from  them courage and gallantry, rather than suspicions  and harm to social peace and justice in the country longing for action.