OPINION: Two sides of the readership coin

THERE WAS  a time when the   “letters to the editor” page was one of the most widely read sections of daily newspapers, and those who wanted to see their views in print usually  had to provide a name, and/or an address.

YOUR MAN IN PANAMAToday,  the letters have been replaced by “comments,” largely written under aliases which  enliven  the pages of online publications like Newsroom.

Occasional fired-up  readers  send  their sometimes pejorative  letters directly   to “the  editor” and they are filed away  next to a folder containing letters from those who appreciate their daily helping of news and features.

At a time when Newsroom readership has reached over 12 million page visits since it emerged from the ashes of The Panama Star  here’s  a sample from both sides of the readership coin.

TODAY  you have outdone yourself in biased stupidity. You are so sickeningly left leaning where US politics are concerned, most Gringos here in Panama are fed up with the unbalanced views you espouse.

If writing is so deliberately unfair, it becomes worthless.

Just record the news, and try to control your poor and biased journalism. Both Republicans and Democrats who have retired to, and invested in, Panama are fed up with your journalism, and most have ceased reading your website.

This is too bad, since we all like to keep our fingers on the pulse of happenings and trends in our adopted country.
U.S. expat Hacienda Los Molinos homeowner.

DEAR TROLL..That´s what I call cowards who are afraid to sign their name to the crap they write.
I came here in 1961, am trilingual, and read almost five papers a day. Newsroom is one of the least biased and most accurate community papers I have found. I particularly like its tight writing, the variety of subjects, and the up to the minute news coverage.
My liberal mindset says you have a right to your opinion, but you already know that. Still you don´t have a right to spit invective at writers who keep you well-informed–for free.
Newsroom reader polls show a high readership level. Most readers support the paper and the many events it reports.
Us long-time ex.pats here see losers like you come-and-go- because you can´t fit in or appreciate what´s good in Panama. To that end, we wish you Bon Voyage and Good Riddance.

Phil Edmonston
Democrats Abroad