Canal expansion invite snafu’s

MIFFED PANAMA SINGER Ruben Blades, multiple Grammy award winner, has finally received a formal invitation to attend the $4 million extravaganza that will mark the official opening   of the Panama Canal Expansion, while an Afro-Panama community leader had his recalled.

A  few days ago Blades strongly criticized the Canal Authority (ACP) over  an alleged informal invitation to attend the June 26 event, and  announced on social media that he would not be attending and had a prior commitmnet

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has now  sent a formal. Invitation”For the respect and admiration you deserves  from us, we’re sending your invitation with all the rigors and formalities,” said ACP spokesman, Abdiel Antonio Gutierrez.

He said the “informal” invitation to which Blades referred  was not sent by the ACP, or by a person authorized by the authority.

At a press conference last Thursday it was mentioned that Blades and dozens of prominent Panamanians in the field of visual arts, literature, education and sport would be invited to a special  ceremony in Cocolí .

Meanwhile the Alberto Barrow, who heads   the Panama-Afro Observatory received an invitation for himself and his wife, but 12 hours later was told that it was a mistake and someone would come to collect it

Blades. who served as Panama’s tourism director during th Martin Torrijos adminstration,  has said that he will be a contender in the presidential campaign in 2019.