117 hospitalized in flu epedemic, 5 deaths

THE MNISTRY of HEALTH (MoH) has invested $3.5 million in  vaccines for the most vulnerable  as the  A H1N1 flu epidemic continues to spread.

By Saturday, June 4, the   death toll had climbed to five and 117 people were hospitalized, 22 of them in intensive care.

Those  most at risk  are  children under 5, People older than 60  or those who have a chronic disease that can worsen the flu.

These people can you go to a health center for free MoH vaccine.

Health Minister Francisco Javier Terrientes reports the acquisition of half a million additional flu shots is  pending with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO to  be distributed throughout the country. The new batch of vaccines will be in the country next week.

2,552 boxes of Tamiflu, antiviral treatment against influenza A H1N1, were distributed in different units of the Social Security Fund (CSS) as a contingency measure to deal with the virus.

Meanwhile, some hospitals have restricted visiting hours. The National Cancer Institute, has suspended visits before noon and restricted evening hours from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. with only one person per patient.

The Nicolas Solano hospital in Panama West has restricted, visits to the emergency room and visits to hospitalized patients are limited to 30 minutes.

Health authorities have called on the population to follow habits to containt of infection, such as washing hands, covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing, seeking   medical attention whwn afflicted with a cold and with trouble breathing, and to stay away from the crowds and go to hospitals if you are sick.