Freed gang leader, highly dangerous

Dayan Angelo Ramirez Rames, named  by President Juan Carlos Varela in March 2015,  one of the most dangerous men in the country, is now at   home protected by the National Police (PN) on the orders of the Seventh Criminal Court. 

Judge Felipe Fuentes Lopez, cleared Ramirez Ramea and Sergio Vanela Hernandez of charges of money laundering and ordered the “immediate release” of Ramirez.

The attorney General has ordered First Drugs Prosecutor Markel Mora to file an appeal.

Both were captured by police on Sept. 28, 2009, during an operation at Campo Lindbergh Field. They were seized with $1 million in cash. National Police, Director Omar Pinzon said on Friday June 3,: “We are in compliance with a mandate of authority. With shame I have to do it. Our intention as an institution is to ensure that the individual does not continue to commit crimes and take advantage of this bargain and carry on killing l and trafficking.

Kevin Moncada, lawyer for Ramirez Ramea  said his client remains in police custody at his residence, because last Thursday when was moved from the prison  to the PN, had been the target of an attack.

Finch described Ramirez as “ highly dangerous. He is a murderer, he’s dangerous, very dangerous;, we are not taking care of him, we are taking care of the  citizenship” .

He questioned the judge’s decision. “This decision is very bad, this man has taken youth and organized them  as gang members to kill people, and has the economic power buys weapons from drug trafficking and buy the conscience of these guys. That is our frustration, “he said.

Ramirez Ramea is the alleged leader of the widely  feared Calor Calor,  gang and has been found not guilty in numerous trials for bank robbery, murder, leading a gang wearing police vests and more.